Identifying Information:
Linda Gannaway is located in Fresno, CA and is the website address.
Details of Data Collected:
Data is collected from the website such as your name, email, and any other information you provide.
How Data is Stored and Protected:
The data collected may be stored indefinitely on the website hosting server we purchase. The secure connection to this server utilizes HTTPS data encryption.
Third parties:
Your data is not shared with any third party marketing agencies.
The Reason for Collecting Data:
The purpose for collecting your data is to use the information for contacting you regarding your inquiry and to keep you updated on services and products from Linda Gannaway.
Methods of Data Collection:
We may utilize tracking cookies and analytic tools that allow us to have insight into where visitors to the website are generally located and which pages they visit on the website.
Opt-out clauses:
You may request a copy of your data, opt out of data collection, and removal of your data.
We reserve the right to update this policy at anytime.
For any questions on our privacy policy, please contact us.